About me

Photos by Dan Cattermole

Making memories for anyone is exactly what puts a smile on my face. And let me tell you, a stern memory of happiness and joy will be left behind from my presence like a heavily contagious smile and laughter virus (Don’t panic, it’s not toxic!).

My passion started a couple of decades ago when 35mm analogue was the way forward, and in my opinion to this day you still you cannot get enough of old school photography. I’ve met many of people along my photography journey and have learnt a lot and even now I’m still learning every day, not just about photography, but about people I meet along the way.

Some of the most influential traits that anyone could ever offer is to smile, be happy, think positive, engage fully, dedicate, and respect all others. When I work for anyone, these are the first things that are packed in my bag, without them I do not go to work.

Taking photos is easy, yet capturing photos and memories to last a lifetime as well as leaving a positive impression, now THAT is my life long work and THAT is what drives me to deliver.

Although located in Worcestershire, no distance is too far for me to travel around the U.K. I have also had experience photographing overseas weddings and events.
